Thursday, June 23, 2011

Body Image

I recently had a conversation with my girls that gave me a little insight to something of my own.
One of them was feeling particularly bad about her appearance that day, and started telling me about her life and family and why she has such a hard time. Keep in mind, she is a beautiful girl! I never would have thought she had self-esteem issues. When she finished venting about all this, words came into my mouth that I KNOW aren't my own. This is basically what was said:

The feeling of being ugly, or too fat, or too tall or too short, or too skinny all come from the Devil. He can't have a body, and NEVER will. He is so completely jealous of this great gift that the Lord has given us. And if he can get us to hate it, and wish that we had something else, then he feels like he has won.

The instant those words left my lips, I felt like it was a slap in the face! How many times have I said those very words: I'm too tall (compared to most girls), I'm too heavy, my hair's too thin, etc.? But after hearing these words come out of my mouth, I gained a resolve to think more positively about my looks.

I hope this is as inspirational to you as it is to me. It was pretty life changing for us that day.


  1. Shaela - this is a recent revelation that I've had about myself too! I've been able to get over the fact that I'm too tall, heavy, and how much I hate my hair and eyes. I realized that anything negative, even things about myself are what the devil lives for. Once I started to think better about myself... how I like being tall, it's okay if I'm lumpy, at least I can move around just fine... I felt great. People even noticed a difference in my attitude. I'm glad you have come across this same revelation as well. :) You are awesome!

  2. Thanks! It's just one of those things that I've always struggled with, and I'm glad that I have the gospel in my life to help me through these very personal things.

    Congrats to you too for coming to that realization. I think you are beautiful and always have!
